Growth. Change.
Two powerful words that can sum up my first five months of 2012.

My journey this year began with Yoga Teacher Training at Shiva Centre, in Sugarhouse UT. What a beautiful, life changing experience that was for all of us involved. I studied under three of the most amazing teachers, met eleven other trainees whom I loved instantly, and gained a wealth of knowledge and love that I wouldn't trade for anything.

This training has come to an end, and I am now wrapping up the final ends of receiving my 200 hour certificate. How time flies! I already miss my weekend retreats to practice and absorb every drop of knowledge extended to us.  But where one story ends, another begins.

Now has come the time that I extend myself to the world. I wish to continue my journey by assisting others through their own. Growth and change are both mutual experiences between student and teacher. I look forward to being a mentor and having the opportunity to grow alongside my students.

Much love to Jami Larson, Andrejs Gailis and Brandi Allen. It wouldn't have been possible without the loving, nurturing, beautiful souls of the teachers I owe everything to. Thank you, times infinity.
Yoga Teacher Trainees and Instructors. Love!